FXAIX vs. ARKK ETF: Which Fund Is Better?

In this comparison, we will be looking at the difference between ARKK and FXAIX. The breakdown will include expense ratio, dividend distribution, top holdings, and more.
Is it better to buy a growth ETF or a mutual fund that tracks the S&a…

FBCG vs. ARKK: Which One Is the Better Growth Fund?

Someone asks:

What do you think of Fidelity ‘s new active managed ETF $FBCG? I know it’s only 11 months old but so far the returns seem to be there? Do you think they produce they same time of returns as ARK?

Daniel W:

FBCG has…

FTEC vs QQQ Analysis: Which is a Better Buy?

Someone asks:

Currently DCA investing into FSKAX and recently started investing in FTEC in my brokerage account. I also have QQQ in my Roth. Do you guys recommend sticking with FTEC or go with QQQ? My overall goal is to maximize gains lon…
