Fidelity Credit Card Update: 0% Foreign Transaction Fees

Fidelity recently announced a significant update to its Fidelity Rewards Visa Signature Credit Card.

The main highlight of this update is the elimination of foreign transaction fees (FTF).

Fidelity Credit Card Foreign Transaction Fee in 2023

All new and existing Fidelity credit cardholders will now benefit from 0% foreign transaction fees for each foreign purchase transaction or foreign ATM advance transaction in U.S. Dollars or in a foreign country.

fidelity foreign transaction fee email

Does Fidelity 2% Cashback Cover Foreign Purchases?

Fidelity customers can continue to earn 2% cashback on every foreign purchase. However, foreign cash transactions are not eligible for Rewards Points.

Does Fidelity Credit Card Have Car Rental Coverage?

The Fidelity credit card does not offer rental car coverage or protection.

See alsoย  How To Export Fidelity Transaction Data and Portfolio to a Spreadsheet