How to Find Your Fidelity Routing Number in 2025 🤔 [Step-By-Step Guide]

Learn how to quickly locate your Fidelity routing number in 2025. Simple step-by-step instructions for finding your Fidelity bank transfer information assigned to your account.

Before you can make a deposit into your Fidelity account, you must provide your account and routing numbers. This information is available on the Fidelity website. See the tutorial below if you’re having trouble locating your Fidelity account and routing number.

Important: Fidelity uses multiple banks for different accounts, so do not find a generic ACH routing number that you find online. You will need to find the routing number that’s assigned to your specific account-type.

Finding Your Fidelity Routing Number in 2025

Locating your Fidelity routing number remains a straightforward process through your online account. Here’s the current step-by-step process in 2025.

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  1. Login to your Fidelity account.
  2. On the top-level navigation in the menu bar, mouse-over to highlight Accounts & Trade and select Portfolio or Account Positions to see all of your Fidelity Investment accounts on the left panel.
  3. Next, select your Fidelity account number the investment account (if you have multiple accounts) that you need the routing number. This should present your account’s portfolio on the main dashboard. Fidelity brokerage accounts are 10 digit numeric codes that begin with an X, Y, or Z, such as Z———-
  4. Next, directly underneath the portfolio’s account name is your 10-digit account # with the words ‘Routing Number’ to the right with tool-tip that looks like this: 🛈
  5. Finally, click on the tool-tip to open a small pop-up window that will reveal the specific Fidelity ABA bank routing number assigned to your account.
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Fidelity routing number 2025

Use this information to transfer funds from your bank to your Fidelity brokerage account. Please keep in mind that the ABA number will appear at your bank as “UMB, NA” rather than “Fidelity Investments.”
