[Fixed] ✅ Fidelity Error 013911: “Your account is limited to settled funds.”

Are you getting a “(013911) Your account is limited to settled funds for opening cash transactions…” error on Fidelity? Here’s the rest of the message, “…and therefore buy orders must be limit orders. Please use a limit order to prevent the trade from exceeding your settled cash.” Error (013911) occurred on Fidelity when your account … Read more

Fidelity Net Insider Shares Bought Screener

insider buying stock screener

Fidelity customers can easily track insider buying through a screener called Net Insider Shares Bought. This screener shows the number of shares purchased by a company’s director, officer, or executive. Large insider purchases are noteworthy because they show that the insider has confidence in the company and anticipates that their stock price will rise. How … Read more

How to Remove Pattern Day Trader Status on Fidelity

A day trade occurs when you buy and sell a security on the same trading day. Fidelity defines a pattern day trader as any customer who executes four or more “day trades” within five business days.
Once you reach this limit, a Pattern Day T…

How to Find Overlapping ETFs in your Fidelity Portfolio

Fidelity has many index funds that cover different markets. However, some of these funds overlap significantly in terms of the underlying holdings.
For example, the Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund (FNILX) and the Fidelity ZERO Extended …

VFIAX vs. VOO: Which Is the Better Vanguard 500 Fund?

Many investors wonder whether they should put their money into the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFIAX) or the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO).
Both are great options, but which one is right for you? This post will compare and contrast these two…
