SCHD vs. VYM: Which Is the Best High Dividend ETF?

Someone asks:

SCHD or VYM and reasons on which to pick? I currently have 100 shares of VYM. Other similar options are appreciated as well. I am also considering just doing all VOO.

SCHD vs VYM: Overview

Schwab U.S. Dividend Eq…

SWPPX vs VOO: Which Fund Is a Better Buy?

Someone asks:

I’m planning to put 2k into SWPPX for my Roth IRA, but is there a better choice in your opinion? I heard VOO from Vanguard is also good. I’m looking for stable long-term returns.

SWPPX vs VOO: Overview

Schwab® S&…

How to Get Approved for Options Level 2 on Fidelity

Someone asks:

Can anyone tell me the actual requirements for applying for level 2 options (or whichever one selling puts falls under in Fidelity)?
I am currently selling covered calls and am more or less content, but I would like to start…

FBND vs BND: Which Total Bond ETF Is Better?

There are many different types of bonds that investors can purchase to diversify their portfolios. Some of the most common include corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and treasury bonds.
If you’re being torn between these different types of …
